国家专利中药复方干预膀胱癌用药规律分析 |
Analysis on the medication rules of traditional Chinese medicine compound intervention in bladder cancer based on national patent database |
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中文关键词: 膀胱癌 中医 数据挖掘 复方 |
英文关键词: bladder cancer traditional Chinese medicine data mining compound prescription |
基金项目:徐州市科技局重点研发项目:验方扶正解毒汤调控 ERH 基因治疗膀胱上皮细胞癌的机制研究及临床评价(KC21263);江苏省研究生实践创新计划(SJCX23_0969)。 |
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目的 通过数据挖掘分析国家专利中药复方干预膀胱癌的用药规律。方法 检索国家知识产权局专利公布公告网站建库至2023年6月相关专利数据,使用Excel录入、筛选、建立规范化复方专利数据库,并运用古今医案云平台、IBM SPSS Modeler 18.0软件进行频数分析、关联规则分析、四气五味归经分布、复杂网络及聚类分析。结果 纳入中药复方专利69项,涉及中药414味,高频药物有黄芪、半枝莲等;四气以寒为主,五味以甘为主,归经多归肝经;常用的药对为全蝎-蜈蚣、半枝莲,莪术-三棱等;药物聚类分析获得4个药物组合。结论 国家中药复方专利治疗膀胱癌以补虚扶正、解毒抗癌、化湿行气为主。 |
英文摘要: |
Objective To analyze the medication rules of national patented traditional Chinese medicine compound for intervention in bladder cancer through data mining. Methods Retrieve the relevant patent data from the establishment of the patent announcement website of the State Intellectual Property Office to June 2023, use Excel to input, screen, and establish a standardized compound patent database, and use the ancient and modern medical records cloud platform and IBM SPSS Modeler 18.0 software for frequency analysis, Analysis of association rules, meridian distribution of four flavors and five flavors and cluster analysis. Results A total of 69 compound patents of traditional Chinese medicine were included, involving 414 Chinese herbs, and high-frequency drugs include Milkvetch root, Barbatae Skullcup Herb, etc.; the four nature of drugs are mainly cold, the five flavors are mainly sweet, and drugs were mainly belong to liver channel tropism; High-frequency drug pairs included “Scorpion-Centipede”, “Barbatae Skullcup Herb, Zedoary Rhizome-Common Buried rubber”, etc.; drug cluster analysis obtained 4 drug combinations. Conclusion The national patent treatment of bladder cancer with traditional Chinese medicine compound is mainly based on Tonify and reinforce the healthy qi, remove toxins and fighting cancer, and resolve dampness to move qi. |
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